Abgeschickt von interesant am 22 Maerz, 2005 um 01:06:45:
Das habe ich in Internet gefunden. Lettland, ich hoerte etwas ueber das Land am 17 Maerz. Wie meinen Sie, ist Meinung von der Mann faschistisch oder etwas bequem in Demokratie? Ich denke, dass das kein Faschismus ist. Meine Freunde aus Lettland sind doch nicht zu frieden. Was interesant ist, das der Mann ist Mitglied einer Partei, die in eine europaesche Gruppe von Volks-parteien arbeitet.
Mr.Kirshteins had suggested to repatriate Latvia’s Russian-speakers by signing the treaty like it was in 1939, when Baltic Germans left Latvia:
“I think, that there should be one treaty—something similar as it was with Baltic Germans. There were 700 years of cohabitation, but young Latvian generation had grown up, people with higher education, philosophers, historians and two cultural folks appeared. Then one is to be assimilated or to move away. 1905th was the first prevention. Then year 1939 came, the treaty for departure of Baltic Germans was concluded. You, certainly, can say, that it was connected to war, but it should happen earlier or later, all is equal, to escape from assimilation. Today is similar situation—two cultural folks apply for one territory. It’s not so in the world. In Belgium Walloons and Flemish live each live in their territory, communities do live in cantons in Switzerland, not going into the second territory. We have unique case. There is one cultural folk—Latvians, whom though some consider to be defective, and there other cultural folk suddenly appeared from none know where, which is not with Russia’s culture, where there are science academies, universities and libraries, but it’s any “local”. It has its “historians”, who do treat history diametrically opposite, has own schools, but has no own territory and there are forced to live with “gansi” (derogative term for Latvians; “gans” (Hans) in Russian as “Iwan” in German was common derogative term for Nazi soldier during WW2), who don’t allow them to breathe. Now we have only two options again. Those, who think they belong to such a community, which should pay taxes separately, should depart or in the pace of time voluntary assimilate. Therefore treaty with Russia is needed.” (Egils Licitis “Aleksandrs Kirðteins: Es to saucu par "trîs okupantu" problçmu”, “Latvijas avize”, 2.03.2005// “Aleksandrs Kirshteins: I call it problem of “three occupants””)
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact on 23rd August 1939 had given Nazi Germany right to repatriate Germans from Eastern European countries. Nazi Germany had signed treaty with Latvia, urging transfer of “Latvia’s German minority”. Thus, not only sympathizers of Nazis, very common among Baltic Germans those days, but in fact the majority of Latvia’s Baltic Germans was forced to leave the country. Only some 10% were able to resist Baltic German Nazi acitivists’ and government’s drive to leave and remained in the country. Majority of them left in 1941 under Nazi-Soviet additional repatriation treaty or left for Siberia during Stalinist purges in 1941.